walking with you in your
healing and wellness journey

HeHeals Integrative is a functional and integrative medical center dedicated to walking with you in your healing and wellness journey.

What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Medicine combines treatments from Conventional Medicine with Complementary Medicine for which there is high quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness.

Committed to
Your Healing and Wellness Journey

We'll Walk with You

HeHeals Integrative started from a conviction that anyone who seeks for medical help ought to receive a service that is worth their trust, so we made a commitment to walk with our patients in their healing and wellness journey. 

From the executives down to our frontliners, we will go the extra mile to journey with our patients until they improve in their health and quality of life.

Dr. Faith Barsaga

Medical Director

Walking with You at Every Step

Experienced Medical Team​

Our doctors and nurses, who have been practicing for years, were trained in the field of Integrative Medicine. When you come to us, you are assured that you are being taken care of by experienced medical professionals.

Holistic Approach

A variety of treatment techniques and approaches are being used to help you achieve optimal health. This holistic approach helps us serve you better.


Your basic physical parameters, vital signs, and current health status are taken into consideration when preparing your treatment. This is to ensure that our therapies are safe for you.

State-of-the-Art Equipment ​

We made sure that our equipments are the best available in the market, using the most modern techniques and technology.

Our Premium Services

The services we offer will be tailored to your specific need. Get in touch with us today to know which would be the best for you
Holistic Consultation

The Holistic Consultation involves a highly personalized and detailed analysis of an individual’s physiology, lifestyle, genetic makeup and disease predispositions.

ARDK Body Scan

The ARDK Body Scan measures the energy flow within the body’s 12 bioactive points which gives our holistic doctor a clear picture of the patient’s overall health status.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy helps suppress infections by killing viruses, bacteria, and yeast, especially those hard to treat , resistant pathogens.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy stimulates reparative and regenerative processes. It has anti-inflammatory effect and activates blood microcirculation.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation Therapy helps remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, iron, etc. It has now been claimed to protect against heart disease and other major health problems.

Titanium Gluta Drip

Titanium Gluta Drip detoxifies fatty liver, alcoholic and non-alcoholic hepatitis. It also has anti-aging and skin lightening effects.

Immune Power Charge

Our Immune Power Charge drip is a concoction  of vitamins and minerals that can help strengthen one’s immunity. This drip also helps keep the eyes, nerves, brain and skin healthy.

Myer's Cocktail

The Myer’s Cocktail has been found to boost the immune system and is clinically effective against migraines, acute asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and acute muscle spasms.

Try it and experience the difference

10% OFF your first
IV Drip Treatment

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